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Terms of Use

Terms Of Use
Ichumon is a virtual pet site that provides a safe and secure service for free. Users are able to register an account for free and then create virtual pets that require the user to interact with them by feeding their pets items and allowing them to play with toys.

By accessing this site (browsing its web pages), you agree to the Terms Of Use set out on this page. Ichumon is referred to in this article as; 'We', 'Us', 'Ichumon' and 'site'. You, the user, must agree to ALL rules and conditions; otherwise, you forfeit the right to use this site. The use of this site means you agree to the Terms of Use.

This 'agreement' is between you and us. This constitutes for Ichumon, its staff and any other related material belonging to Ichumon. The Terms of Use may be changed, modified and amended at any time without prior notice to its users, sponsors and/or advertisements. Users are encouraged to read the Terms of Use regularly. Changes of the Terms of Use will become immediately effective upon posting, and every new and existing user is bound to them. By using this site, you agree to be legally bound by the Terms.

We reserve the right to:
- Change the service provided to any user at any time.
- Delete, modify or terminate the use of anything to do with this site. This includes Ichumon as a whole.
- Change any fees and/or charges for the service of this site.
- Change the equipment, hardware, software, advertisements and sponsors directly involved with the site.
- Suspend, block and/or delete users of the site, including, but not limited to, all accounts and IP addresses.

This site, its services, accounts, pets, images, names, audio, games, articles, writing and names are property of Ichumon and are ©copyrighted. When you register for an account, you do not 'own' the account, the pets, the items and the digital fantasy currency. They are for you to use on the site and are not, in no way/shape/form, allowed to be traded for other virtual/real life currencies or auctioned. When you create an account, you agree that the account is to be accessed by you and you only. You may not give away, sell or trade off your account. If you wish to discontinue the service of this site, you may automatically delete your account.

You may not copy, modify, reproduce, reverse engineer, upload, post, transmit and/or delegate the content of this site, which includes, but is not limited to, items, games, pets, content, plots, stories, usernames, site names, characters and Ichumon itself. You may use images, names and other content of Ichumon for non-commercial use only, providing you put 'Copyrighted by Ichumon, All rights reserved.' and link directly to . This must be displayed on every page of your site that you use this material.
Any other use of the service/materials which includes, but is not limited to, endorsements, paid or free advertisements, third party links and/or inappropriate sites is strictly forbidden and is foreseen as theft of material. This is non-negotiable, and we reserve the right to prosecute those who seek to use materials that are strictly copyrighted to Ichumon for profitability without the written AND verbal agreement of Ichumon. Offenders will have their accounts banned and may be subjected to criminal charges.

Users may not use other's intellectual property from other sites and claim it as their own. We reserve the right to ban accounts we deem that are infringing the intellectual rights of users.

If you believe materials that are copyrighted to you, or your organisation may be being displayed or used on this website by a user, you may contact the site owners via the Privacy Policy page and follow the procedures there. We respect the right of others copyrighted material and will give our best efforts to stop any infringement, whether unintentional or not.

The Data You Submit-
You, the user (and your parents, if you are under the age of 18), give us at Ichumon the rights to use any data, words, names, materials, ideas and suggestions that you submit or upload to the site. You grant us a non-verbal, exclusive, non-reversible right to republish, modify, transmit, change and/or edit any of the said materials. All information we receive from you automatically becomes property of Ichumon, including Ichumon related art, coding and other information.(All non-Ichumon based art remains the property of the creator/owner.) By submitting materials to the site, you acknowledge that you are the rightful owner of the material and claim all responsibility. Any and all rights that you have over the material you is automatically forfeited, and becomes the property of Ichumon.

In order to play this site, you must be sixteen(16) years of age or older.

For Clarification, users may-
Have only one active account and have all inactive accounts deleted.
Use the service, its features and its games as a privilege.

Users may not 'share' accounts and may not work together in 'teams', 'groups' or any other kind of way to gain unfair advantage over other users. You accept all responsibility for your account and accept that it is your duty to make sure your account is secure. For safety tips, read our Playing Safe guide. We disclaim all unauthorized use and access of your account. This includes the liability of any unauthorized use of your account. Accounts that are accessed by unauthorized personnel will be immediately banned.

Users found with more than one account will have all their accounts banned.

We reserve the right to deny the use of this site to any user for any reason. We reserve the right to change, edit, block and modify any account for any reason we see fit. This site is a free service, and is by no means a right for anyone to use this service.

Some areas of the site are only accessible to those who buy items from our Cash Shop, which require the use of spending real currency.

Cash Shop Terms-

The Cash Shop is a shop which allows users to buy items for IchuCash. In order to obtain IchuCash, the user must purchase IchuCash using "Real World" U.S. Dollars. The IchuCash points are automatically credited to your account once purchased, and the User can then use those points to buy items from the Cash Shop. The Cash Shop is our Online Store and IchuCash can only be used in this shop, unless we specify elsewhere. This agreement may be amended/changed at any time without prior notice to users. We use the payment service of PayPal and PayByCash, which takes care of all transactions from your account to ours, using the latest security measures in order to protect your account. By purchasing IchuCash from Ichumon (us), you agree to the following terms listed below. If, for any reason at all, you do not accept these Terms, you are not allowed to purchase IchuCash. Ichumon also used the Ultimate Game Card which is a prepaid card that adds credits to your account.

1) We reserve the right to change, update, terminate, close and/or disband the service of Cash Shop items at any time. This includes, but is not limited to, the termination of certain items (no longer working), changing an item's stats and features (I.E. what it does) and also update the images which represent the item. We also reserve the right to change the amount of IchuCash given for each Authorized U.S Dollar.

2) By purchasing IchuCash, you give your express permission for us to store data regarding your purchase. This information will remain with Ichumon only. We may use the data to help locate mishaps in transactions, as well as verifying and tracing any intrusions to the system. We will not give/sell your information to 3rd Party Applicants. However, in the event that illegal transactions/chargeback are made, we may be forced to take legal action using the information you have provided to us.

3) All Cash Shop items are property of Ichumon. They cannot be sold, exchanged or traded for other virtual currencies or real currencies outside of Ichumon. Doing so will lead you to be liable for criminal damages to Ichumon.

4) NO REFUNDS. We have a strict and firm policy on No-Refunds. In any circumstance, we will not refund you your money. You recognize and understand that upon a successful transaction to Ichumon or other designated payment service that your money is non-refundable, even if, but not limiting to, account or this service are terminated. If your account is hacked or is prone to a glitch that deletes/erases your IchuCash/Cash Shop items, we will do our best to help you regain your Cash Shop Items/IchuCash, but at our sole discretion. We reserve the right not to refund or give back any items to your account for any reason. If your account is terminated, banned (Put to Sleep) or otherwise inaccessible, we will not return your items/IchuCash.

5) You agree that all credit/debit card information that you supply to us is up-to-date, accurate and complete. Any transaction-related material will be treated by us and any other 3rd party applicant service that we choose to use (i.e PayPal/PayByCash) as, as outlined in our Privacy Policy and theirs. See number 2) above.

6) You agree to account for any charges incurred by you or your child (if applicable) in the use of this service. This includes, but is not limited to, charges incurred through illegal transactions, tax incurments and/or legal fees. You agree and accept that we will not be liable or responsible for any charges or fees made from your Bank or Credit Card provider during transactions to Ichumon services or payment service providers we choose to use.

7) We reserve the right to limit/refuse to sell you any items/IchuCash for sale on Ichumon.

8) We reserve the right to change prices of Cash Shop items at any time, with notification to the user.

9) You agree to accept and abide by all of the terms above before purchasing IchuCash.

We reserve the right to change and edit any user information as we see fit. This includes account statistics, character/pet statistics, usernames, pet names and more. We reserve the right to give/take away items and points from accounts, alter any other account details and/or erase account details.

This site is a Virtual Pet Site and may contain elements or similarities in which other games have. Ichumon is an original production and all ideas come from the staff, its members and/or programmers. This site is in any way affiliated with any other game and/or company.

Online Conduct
All laws and regulations are also implemented into Ichumon, and you agree to respect and agree to these laws as you access Ichumon. You are responsible for your account and the communication between the service of Ichumon. The general outline of rules must be followed at all times whilst playing the site:

1) No spamming. Posting useless, un-informative messages may result in being warned.
2) No swearing, racial discrimination, discrimination or profanity.
3) No harassing, threatening or embarrassing the Users/Staff of Ichumon.
4) No impersonating Staff/Users.
5) No Bots/Hacks which play the site for you. This includes refreshers.
6) No abusing glitches/creating glitches.
7) No posting links to sites containing profanity.
8) No posting links to harmful/malicious sites.
9) No advertisement of other sites.
10) No posting or harmful malicious info.
11) No talk of illegal activities, including downloading illegal software, content and files.
12) No recruiting staff for your own site, including programmers, artists and designers.
13) No sending advertisements via Ichu Mail.
14) No trying to scam a user of virtual points, items and/or personal information, including passwords.
15) No posting content that is not your own, including images and ideas.
16) Cross-Site trading of items is allowed with other sites that also allow cross-site trading. Ichumon items cannot be bought or sold for real currency or any product that can be exchanged for non-virtual currencies.
17) Do not gain access to areas which you are not endorsed too.
18) If a glitch is found, it must be reported.

Staff of Ichumon-
Paid staff members are termed as independent contractors and treated as such under the legal/labor laws of the United States. These terms can be viewed on the staff forum for the staff to understand their rights as staff members. Those that are not paid, are seen as volunteers and give their time for free. These staff members may terminate there services at anytime and are not required to do anything they don't want to do or restricted to a schedule/quota.

By playing this site, you agree you cannot hold Ichumon responsible for the liability of any legal issues. You may not attempt, threaten or try to sue Ichumon or its staff. You agree not to hold Ichumon, its staff, advertisers, attorneys, employees, independent contractors, volunteers and employers responsible for any loss, claim or expense including attorney fees, theft of personal information and the loss of service to your user account, including but not limited to, Cash Shop items, items, virtual currencies and pets.

Last updated : May 24, 2018
If you have questions, or would like to complain about these Terms of Use and our information practices, please contact us by User Support at

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